Comprehensive Fact-Checks Database
Generates Dialogue
Quick Response Time
Media Literacy
Spots Unchecked Misinformation and Disinformation
BiMi is a chat buddy designed to combat the information disorder ecosystem. BiMi uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide real-time fact-checking, combat misinformation and promote media literacy. BiMi also enables a wider audience reach for fact-check content from already existing fact-checking platforms, verified by the International Fact Checking Network to help users easily debunk viral misinformation and disinformation
Accessible fact-checks
Sign Language Fact-checker
Fact-check trainings
Inclusive website
Collaborative Approach
Facts Inclusive
Facts Inclusive is focused on making fact-checks accessible for persons with hearing and visual disabilities. Facts Inclusive currently uses sign language verdicts to produce fact-checks for people with hearing disabilities, and has a website that prioritises features for persons with visual disability. The product includes a sign language fact-check training resource bank developed in collaboration with the Abuja Deaf Association to promote inclusive media literacy content.
Social Listening
User Customisation
Flags Potential Information disorder
Alert fact checkers
Tracks Critical Signals
NEWS VERIFIER AFRICA, NV-A is a fact checking platform that is focused on innovative Fact-Check formats that are engaging, inclusive and accessible.
It is the publishing arm of Media Inno Tech dedicated to combatting information disorders across Africa through a combination of fact-checks, media literacy trainings and alternative formats.
NV-A is community driven and prioritises reaching the most vulnerable groups with Fact-Check content. .
The platform has leveraged the support of international partners to execute a number of initiatives including a local language radio drama and podcast to combat COVID-19 information disorders.
Accessible fact-checks
Sign Language Fact-checker
Fact-check trainings
Inclusive website
Collaborative Approach
SPOT is a social listening tool that crunches huge amounts of information to spot critical signals for potential climate information disorder. This AI-powered tool crawls the internet and social media pages to help fact-checkers flag potential climate related misinformation and disinformation. It works with a model that alerts fact-checkers, based on pre-set criteria.
BiMi is a chat buddy designed to combat the information disorder ecosystem. BiMi uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide real-time fact-checking, combat misinformation and promote media literacy. BiMi also enables a wider audience reach for fact-check content from already existing fact-checking platforms, verified by the International Fact Checking Network to help users easily debunk viral misinformation and disinformation.
Facts Inclusive
Facts Inclusive is focused on making fact-checks accessible for persons with hearing and visual disabilities. Facts Inclusive currently uses sign language verdicts to produce fact-checks for people with hearing disabilities, and has a website that prioritises features for persons with visual disability. The product includes a sign language fact-check training resource bank developed in collaboration with the Abuja Deaf Association to promote inclusive media literacy content.
NEWS VERIFIER AFRICA, NV-A is a fact checking platform that is focused on innovative Fact-Check formats that are engaging, inclusive and accessible.
It is the publishing arm of Media Inno Tech dedicated to combatting information disorders across Africa through a combination of fact-checks, media literacy trainings and alternative formats.
NV-A is community driven and prioritises reaching the most vulnerable groups with Fact-Check content. .
The platform has leveraged the support of international partners to execute a number of initiatives including a local language radio drama and podcast to combat COVID-19 information disorders.
SPOT is a social listening tool that crunches huge amounts of information to spot critical signals for potential climate information disorder. This AI-powered tool crawls the internet and social media pages to help fact-checkers flag potential climate related misinformation and disinformation. It works with a model that alerts fact-checkers, based on pre-set criteria.